Boost fuel efficiency and cut costs with telematics

How much of your machine’s operating hours are spent idling? The answer could be inflating fuel costs and cutting your customers' profits.

Telematics provides crucial insights into idle times and other key factors, empowering machine owners to optimize fuel usage, reduce expenses, and extend the lifespan of their equipment. 


Idle time: A hidden drain on fuel and profits 

Many machine owners are unaware of how much idle time contributes to fuel waste. OEMs work hard to build fuel-efficient machines, but without insights into how the machines are used, fuel consumption remains a blind spot. The challenge? Excessive idle time – when machines are running but not working – can significantly drive-up fuel costs, reducing efficiency and inflating the total cost of ownership. 

The solution

Track, analyze, and optimize fuel consumption with the DataPortal

With our DataPortal, OEMs can offer a game-changing solution to monitor fuel consumption across individual machines or fleets. Customizable widgets provide real-time analysis of fuel levels and usage patterns, while automated notifications alert machine owners to inefficiencies, such as prolonged idle times. 

Machine owners can identify inefficiencies by comparing idle times against productive hours and make informed decisions to reduce fuel waste. OEMs can also use fleet-wide data to establish benchmarks, offering customers valuable insights into how their machines stack up and where adjustments can be made. 

The added benefit? OEMs can provide practical advice or training on reducing idle time, optimizing machine settings, or improving operator behavior, helping customers achieve significant fuel savings – up to 15% – while boosting overall productivity. 

Help your customers save fuel, cut costs, and drive efficiency with the power of telematics.

Reduce idle time by using our telematics solution: